Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Spankstraviganza! - Britspanking part 1

I'm sorry to keep banging on about Game of Thrones but off the back of this I have been proudly featured on a few spanking blogs of late. The spanking  industry was one I particularly wanted to get in with when I entered porn and on refection this is a goal I kind of failed at. On an interesting side line if any spanking people are reading this and have some contacts please send me some information.

 So why bring this up now? Well all these lovely spanking bloggers knew where to find clips and samples of the spanking work I did do and I am very excited to be able to share it with you over the next few weeks.

I am going to go through a website at a time. We are starting with Now I will be honest and say I got a little bit confused when trying to link scenes to sites as some spanking producers work for several -  sorry in advance if I am getting any links wrong.

So I actually shot these scenes back in January 2011 - check out this old blog entry for details.  The second 'punished to get the devil out of me' scene is one I have mentioned several times now and I was so happy to finally find a trailer for it today - although I am of course gutted that it is not longer or indeed the whole thing. If you enjoy the same head play things I do I really recommend going and watching that scene!

So we will begin at the beginning with my pre spanking interview. As I am incapable of lying to you guys I will begin by instantly tell you that yes I had obviously done spanking work before I did this, that line was fed to me as something they required. Every other word is true though.

"Masie has a hangover and is struggling to get up. Her mum comes in to a pigsty. Masie tells her that its her room and to fuck off. Miss Masie with her potty mouth makes it worse by accusing her mum of lesbian fantasies and cursing at her.
After an arse reddening handspanking, Masie continues to smart off and gets repeated doses of the hand and the strap."


 As I said in my blog at the time this scene just didn't end! Every time she was ready to stop Id cheek her again and she'd had to hit me again. This was only supposed to be a five minute scene oops. We both enjoyed it though and I think both felt better for having vented at each other.

As I am quite a light spanking model (up to paddle is erotic for me but I cant take anything harder) I tend to get paired with girls who love the works. In the bellow scene I get my ass spanked while my poor friend gets canned and all sorts (it was her idea after all to go drinking )

So this is where things get confusing, to view this video you need to go to Spankingonline.  I think this is a general site that house lots of content from all over. I shot this scene when I did all the scenes for Britspanking so have included it here. The exciting thing (for me at least) is that these scenes have only just released. I haven't been able to find lots of the scenes I did for them so there should be lots to come.

My this is turning out to be a long post! Ok will do this site over two posts thinks me but I will leave you with the oh so meger hint as to why this is my favourite spanking scene to date.

"Masie Dee begins to play with herself curiously and then masturbates with a vibrator and takes a nap. Masie's father comes home to find her asleep and then finds the vibrator.

As a strong Christian family he does not believe that a woman should be pleasured until marriage and is worried the devil is at work in Masie.
Masie is made to strip down and given a hard hand thrashing on her arse until the evil is run out of her!"

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

The Phantom Photographer!

First some important news about Poppy -

She has started being able to jump on the sofa again ( I know proper dog owners that's something I should probably not be happy about) and she is no longer struggling on the stairs. I am still keeping her walks a little bit shorter than normal but she feels full of energy for that little bit more.

Poppy has asked me to display her feelings bellow . . . .

We had a wonderful day on Friday.  May is a very good month in Holland we have so many public holidays and with some time on our hands we went off in search of adventure.

Enter the Phantom Photographer! Her pictures are amazing and I was delighted to be invited to come along and assist on one of her photo shoots. We went out into a meadow with the model and took some very artistic fashion style pictures. The photographer was so kind with me and let me direct a lot of the shoot which was invaluable experience for me.

I don't own the copy write on any of the pictures we took but I can show you some of the test pictures we took of me demonstrating what we wanted from the model (just imagine this but with a model in a white dress trailing flowers)

The picture set we were working on was a clothed one. The pictures we produced were amazing but we were left wanting to do that little bit more. .. SO... we sent the model back to base to 'warm up' saying we wanted to take some pictures of Poppy before we left. This wasn't a lie - look,

It wasn't however the full picture -

We were having so much fun that we even stopped off at the park on the way back . . . .

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

New Masie Porn

A big thank you to my much loved part time stalker for letting me know that some of my latest 'hairy' pictures and videos have been published.

For the making of go here !

We shot loads that weekend so keep an eye on this site as there is more to come. The trailers are shockingly terrible but I can promise that the videos themselves are good - I know I was there!

At the end of the weekend we did a video in the kitchen sink. While playing with all the water my imagination kicked in and I came for the very first time while thinking about peeing! I know I was shocked to, didn't think that was even nearly my bag.

Here are some sample pictures if you want to see more please check out the site - here x

These were all taken before my latest weight loss/ get in shape drive and I am happy to report that I can see a difference - getting rid of all that hair was probably a few notches on the scales !

Ok so there is also a new scene gone up on the Masie Dee site. I think I have talked about this before but in brief I have no control over this site what so ever, its just my name and face. At the time I was paid for ever scene I submitted and they still have quite a lot of good stuff they are currently sat on. The thing that upsets me slightly (and what is stopping me from endorsing said site) is that they do not update regularly. If I tell people to join a site for a set amount a month I would expect that they would get a set number of content per month and as it stands that isn't that case right now. That said I will keep trying to sort this out with the owners as I am proud of alot of the videos I sent them.

You can check that out here

In other news - I made my very first omlette this week EVER!  Was a complete success, I ate it last night and am yet to be ill!

Poppy is still  not back to normal but has had a few ok days amongst the bad so we will see. My mum has sent  a care package for her this week so fingers crossed it arrives on Monday.

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

A Special gift from a special Pink friend!

THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! I am sorry this video has taken a while to appear we have been a bit distracted playing 'laser quest' ! xxxx

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Game of Thrones behind the scenes

Well thats it now, all my scenes are done with on Game of Thrones and I am possibly now dead?!

This is the last post I will do on this subject so I will start by saying thank you so much to everyone who took the time to let me know they enjoyed my performance.  This has been a fabulous journey and if I got the opportunity to do more I would jump at the chance - any big shot casting directors please feel free to drop me a line.

I will confess and say my slightly deflated ego since I stopped doing regular porn work is now well and truely full! A friend of mine told me that minor though my character was she has made quite a stir on the discussion boards. People want to know if she was soddamized or mearly beaten and if she is dead or not?

"Don't know what's wrong with Joffrey if he doesn't want to have sex with Ros" and someone added "and especially the other girl being the filthy Masie Dee!"

My take on things is this. I was in for a beating and thats what you all heard (thanks to everyone who cracked the jokes about me engineering a spanking). I may well have got hit somewhere like the spine or something and maybe the face but I don't think sex had anything to do with it. The look on Joff's face at the start is one of fear, he doesnt know what to do with a woman and is scared to try incase he fudges it and looks weak. I recon I am still alive as he told Roos to take me to his uncle to show off what she had done - although the hound may have had to help get me there - I think a part alive thing would have had more impact. 

So in my final post on the subject I will let you know about my adventures in post production.

Heres a few pictures to end on.